The CSGO Gun Show: Pistols

Being an FPS game, it’s pretty easy to think that mostly aim is what makes a good Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player… and that’s not totally inaccurate, but so many factors play a major difference when it comes to winning that important eco round or not. New Counter-Strike players easily grow accustomed to only using the […]

League of Legends: Mid-Season Meta Changes

The League of Legends mid-season is here, and it brought along incredible changes to the game, not only bringing new champion options to the roles but also item changes that give a fresh feeling to the game. The role that changed the most was AD Carry as lots of nonconventional champions are now picked. Vladimir, […]

Metagame Discussion: Hearthstone Meta Decks

Hearthstone players are continually looking for new deck ideas that shake up the Meta and obliterate other decks. This means the game feels fresh for players that try to climb the ranked ladder as new decks and new strategies are consistently being discovered everywhere. Considering this, some players will want to use the same strategy […]