Minecraft: Recreating our childhood fun times with digital blocks

Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. It’s established in an enormously generated universes of extensively open territory. It includes icy mountains, swamps, marshes, vast meadows and much more – full of mysteries, phenomena’s and dangers. What brands Minecraft so distinctly is that it has withstood the trial of time. It […]

Crusaders of Light: Back to old-school MMOs

Around 20 years ago MMOs started getting popular, the idea of playing with people from every continent in a massive world that could hold tens of thousands of players at the same time always sounded tempting, and how not, nowadays the most popular games around are multiplayer games, making friends, the competitivity and been able […]

Fallout 76: Not a shiny gold coin

Since its first video game in 1997, Fallout has made its name an actual brand, creating a whole geek culture around the game, not just by its charming pet: Vault-Boy,but also with its many references to post-apocalyptic movie classics and all these similarities to the golden age of the United States of America and the […]

Our look into what Nintendo Direct has to offer

Taking a look at the last Nintendo Direct broadcasted internationally the past 09/13/2018, many titles have caught the attention of the audience, ourselves included! Games like Starlink: Battle for Atlas, Animal Crossing and Super Smash Bros Ultimate have taken a considerable appreciation from the fans with the invitation of Isabelle to Smash Bros Ultimate and […]

Summoners War Invades (All) The World with World Arena Championship

Summoners War is officially taking the leap: with 9 countries, 16 players, and USD 100k up for grabs, the Summoners War World Arena Championship opens its gates all across the globe. Unlike the previous seasons, this tournament is unique in how it invades the real world, as players travel and duke it out in offline […]

Challenge the world with Summoners War’s new battle mode

A new Summoners War update appears, and this time, Com2uS is bringing the “Goodwill Contest” mode: since June 4th, players can now organise their global competitions in the World Arena, and compete to their fullest with an expanded Monster Storage and Slots.

Summoners War: Behind the scenes of the mobile eSports world

[UPDATE 3] We saw your questions, we asked Com2uS, and we got an answer. Check it out! [UPDATE 2] Schizophrenic Gamer featured us in a recent video! You should check it out, he made a very thorough analysis of this interview (and sparked quite a heated discussion in the comments). Thanks a lot! (Also, fixed […]